Monday, May 11, 2009


Why . . . WHHHYYYYY . . must this other bear that I know . . (who happens to be my beary best friend and husband) . . . why must this other bear tickle me!!!!!!! WHY! : (

It makes me giggle so much . . and bears are not supposed to giggle. humph


There's this other bear that I live with . . ok so he's really my husband . . and ok so .. this other bear keeps bugging me about wearing socks in the house . . er . . cave . . ya that's right . . I'm a bear and I live in a cave , , anyhooooo . . . . . . oh . right . . . . so he always tells me that I need to wear socks it the house . . cave . . cave-house . . so . . like . . I don't want to wear socks . . and it bugs me . . I mean like . . my feet are cold . . I admit . . but I like to feel the wind whistling through my toes! You know? no you don't, do you? . . hmmm . . .

. .. . well, it bugs me . . that's all I wanted to say . . . thanks for pretending to listen


OK . . I have nothing against moms in general . . but when it comes to Mother's Day . . it's just like stupid . . I mean . . how am I supposed to remember that Mother's Day comes on May 10th every year, huh?! I mean . . it's like a whole year from Mother's Day last year . . and when I haven't done something in almost a year, it's very difficult to remember to do it again! hmmm I hope this has made all you

DS Stylus

Ok so last night . . I was playing my DS . . and umm . . this other . . bear . . that I know was like IN MY WAY at the computer talking with . . umm yah . . umm another . . bear on Skype . . and I dropped my stylus . . . AND UMM . . I thought that it went into the keyboard on his computer . . and I was like a really angry bear . . and I made him move and was angry that he didn't move fast enough . . and then .. . I found out the stylus was right next to me the whole time . . . hmm . . .
. . . . hmmm . . . ya . . . . I guess that would have been my fault . . hmmm . . well . . . It did feel good to rant.

ohhhhhh grossssss

Don't you hate it when your in the forest and you come upon . . a . . small . . creek . . And you're looking for food . . you know! - fish and stuff . . and you like . . look under a rock and then . . . . .
. . . OHHHHH GROSSSS . . there's like frog eggs under there . . oh gross! I hate frog eggs . .
Why can't those frogs ever find someplace else to lay their eggs . . instead of in MY fishing creek!

humph! well . . that's what I hate. . . I hope some of you can relate to what I'm saying.


ok . . you know what really bugs me?!!!!! THAT I KEEP WRITING THIS IMPORTANT RANT AND THE COMPUTER KEEPS DELETING WHAT I WROTE . . It's okay, computer . . .
. . . . I forgive you . . .

How was your day?

Hey there! Ranting Bear here! How's it going?
It's just another beautiful day here . . well a beautiful that's about to go bad real soon . . I can just feel it. : ) So enough about my day how was yours?